Commodity World
The Commodity Trader's Magazine and Learning Resource Center
NASDAQ, Dow Jones, E-Mini, S&P 500 Stock Index, T-Bonds, Crude Oil, Heating Oil, Soybeans, Wheat, Corn, Coffee, Sugar, Orange Juice, Live Cattle, Pork Bellies, Gold, Silver, Japanese Yen, German Mark, Swiss Franc, Mexican Peso, etc.
Online trading, trading systems, trade recommendations, newsletters, investment books, software, etc.
Whatever your area of interest, we hope you will make this a regular stop whenever you hop onto the Internet.

How To Get The Most Out Of This Site
We have several kinds of information available:
- Market commentaries and trading suggestions.
- Price quotes and data.
- Price charts -- daily, weekly, monthly, continuous, with technical indicators, etc.
- Many links to basic futures and options and forex information.
- Information "About Us" and a link to us.
Things To Keep In Mind
- Please take time to connect to our different pages and links.
- Time is money. Our focus here is on hopefully providing you with good, useful information.
- We recommend that you check this site for updates and additional information since it is often “under construction.”
- It’s an unfortunate fact that most individual traders lose money trading commodities. So treat trading like a business, and get the proper training in order to improve your odds of being one of the winners. Knowledge is power, and wisdom leads to riches. What you don’t know CAN hurt you.

Our Mission
Our purpose is to provide free information for commodity traders worldwide. We look for what is valuable, timely, and useful in order to help traders make better informed investment decisions. We do not receive any compensation from any person or organization listed on this site.